DRDC This section works under the Department of Panchayat & Rural Development, Govt of West Bengal. This section acts as the nodal agency in regard to Anandadhara (NRLM scheme) which involves formation and mobilization of SHGs, grading of SHGs, giving loans to SHGs and allotment of various funds to them and last but not the least imparting training to SHG women for sustainable livelihood generation. District Rural Development Cell, Jalpaiguri or Anandadhara District Office, District Mission Management Unit , Jalpaiguri is a district level office especially for implementing, supervision and monitoring of Anandadhara programme (DAY NRLM). Apart from that this office also is looking into the SAHAY programme. This office run under the supervision of Additional District Mission Director, DMMU & Project Director, DRDC and the District Magistrate is the District Mission Director of the DMMU. Primary objective of the Anandadhara programme is to reduce poverty through the inclusion of one women member of deprived households of rural areas as per the SECC list by forming Self Help Group. 30049 SHGs have been formed in this programme. After the completion of 3 month of formation of SHG, they are getting revolving fund @ Rs 15 thousand only. 1015 nos of Upa Sanghas have been formed at the Sansad level to provide necessary support to the SHGs formed at their areas. 80 no of Sangha Samabays have been at the Gram Panchayat level i.e. one GP = one Sangha Samabay. 02 no of Mahasangha have been formed at the Block level, one at Dhupguri block and another one at Maynaguri block. The primary role of their all those institutions is to provide necessary support to reduce poverty with support of Anandadhara Programme & other programmes which are being implemented by the line Deptts. WBSRLM provides fund to the Sangha Samabays for proving the loan to the SHGs after completion & verification of their Micro Investment Plan. SHGs are also involved in Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture to improve the habits of agriculture and meet their requirement by their own. Organic cultivation is promoted through this initiative. Community Resource Persons are providing handholding support to the Mahila Kishans ( SHG Members) to improve their skills day by day and presently 7151 Mahila Kishans ( SHG Members) are practicing this process. Various agricultural products are being produced by them as well as they meet up their households� needs and sale the products at the local markets , helps them to meet up other requirements of their households. 45 Sangha Samabays have prepared their vulnerable reduction plan for providing support to extremely distressed person of their area. This input also helps them to find other Govt. facilities at their door steps. In the case of non farm sector SHG members are being trained on Computer, hospitality management, tailoring etc for better utilization of their skills. Apart from that various social activities are being conducted by the Sangha Samabays under the supervision of Anandadhara District Office, Jalpaiguri. Jalpaiguri has been selected as the National Rural Entrepreneurship Transformation Project (NRETP) by the State office. In this regard Rajganj, Maynaguri, Dhupguri & Mal blocks are also being selected as NRETP blocks where special initiative will be given for improving present entrepreneurs and identification & skill improving of the new enterprises. 04 Sangha Samabays are in a process to develop as a Model Sangha Samabays for replicating their practices to other Sangha Samabays.